Marketer's Insight

Would You Like Sugar With Those Links?

Ah, links! Links are the meat and potatoes of Internet marketing for many an Internet marketer. That is all they think about, day and night, night and day: links, links, links! If only marketing were so simple.

I remember when most people didn't know what links were. You could sit them in front of a Web page filled with links and they would just stare at the screen. Confusion arises in any new environment and the Web was a totally new environment for all of us. We don't deal with links in daily life, outside of the Internet.

A small percentage of people had experience with hypertext markup language before the Web took it over. Those document specialists understood links and linking but the rest of us had to find out about links the hard way. We had to play with our computers and browsers just to see how everything worked.

But we have come a long way since then. Now everyone knows what a link is and all the marketers want them. Some links are better than other links. But some people don't care about the quality of the links they get. The links you find on the Web can be really sketchy. Maybe they lead to good sites and maybe not.

If you create a link to a favorite website it's probably a good link. It's certainly good enough for you. But if I create a link maybe it's too a client site or maybe it's too one of my sites. But is it good for you?

Good marketing only works with good links. Even if you create them yourself you have to be careful about where and what you link to. And that goes with creating good content in the first place. Some people create the cheapest content they can and then just link to it. They hope that people like us land there, see the crud, and then click on the nearest link (usually an ad) and leave.

Using links for marketing is shrewd if the links are positioned well enough that people will click on them. Using links for marketing is short-sighted if they only lead to search engine penalties. Search engines don't like bad links. They want only good links.

So how do you get good links? First, create something real. If you just put up a website for search it's not real. The site has to have a purpose other than to just rank high in search results.

Second, ask people you know to link to your site.

Third, get out there and talk to people. Be a real person and not a marketer. When people ask what you do then you can talk about your site.

Fourth, use social media to share links to your site. Just don't nag people by contacting them directly. That's spam.

Finally, if you have some really good content it will eventually attract attention. Then people you never heard of will link to you.


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